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(4 classifications) (27 resources)

Ecological Core Concepts -- Interspecific interactions

Discipline Specific Core Concepts Classifications
Competition (23)
Mutualism, symbiosis, and commensalism (7)
Parasitism and disease (8)
Predation and herbivory (21)

View Resource When Biocontrol Isn’t Effective: Making Predictions and Understanding Consequences

Invasive species are a major threat to global biodiversity, second only to habitat destruction. One solution to the invasive plant species problem is biological control. Sometimes biological control is successful, and sometimes it is not. Thus, it is critical for ecologists to predict the likely success of biological control, and how much damage the control agent must inflict on an invasive...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Using Stream Leaf Packs to Explore Community Assembly

In this TIEE experiment, students will explore functional and taxonomic diversity in a stream ecosystem, learn about food web relationships, and learn about the ways in which abiotic and biotic factors determine what organisms are present in a community. Students will make and install artificial leaf packs in a stream, wait for the leaf packs to be colonized by stream organisms, measure...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Foraging behavior of insect pollinators in the presence of ambush predators

In this TIEE experiment, students investigate how ambush predators such as the common ambush bug (Phymata americana) or the common crab spider (Misumena vatia) influence the foraging behavior of insect pollinators on flowers. This project involves an experimental manipulation of predator presence and subsequent pollinator observation over the course of a single or several lab periods. Students...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Pathways to Scientific Teaching, Chapter 3d of 7: Lyme disease: a case about ecosystem services

One way to help students develop critical thinking skills is to focus on problems or cases where they are challenged to deal with real data and experiences (Bransford et al. 2004). Both problem-based learning and case studies allow students to develop the intellectual capacity to deal with complex issues, build confidence and willingness to approach topics from multiple perspectives, and...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

View Resource Pathways to Scientific Teaching, Chapter 4b of 7: Problem solving: a foundation for modeling

Reading and discussing primary literature is central to communicating science. Students need practice in reading the literature for purposes beyond gaining information. Literature can be used to both increase knowledge and comprehension and to engage students in higher-level thinking (Bloom 1956; Levine 2001; Gillen et al. 2004; Finelli et al. 2005). Because science is also about making...


Publisher: EcoEd Digital Library

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